Sunday, 30 June 2013

Tales from a bat and her lover, far far away from her cavern! (part one)

Hello my dear creatures of zee nighttttt!

It looks like this Ghoulette has troubles posting when living away from home... I've talked about this a million times before, but life's just too busy... There's always someone to see or something to do. A swim in the Danube if it's hot, a drink and a chat with a friend after work, a walk around the center, an icecream at zanoni in schwedenplatz... Right now, I´m in Prague! I´m mega lucky, because Austria borders with 8 different countries, so there's plenty of opportunities to travel. I've already been in Bratislava (Slovakia) and Munich (Germany), and after Prague (Czech Republic) i´m going to Budapest (Hungary). I´m a very lucky ghoul indeed! Which reminds me, that I really do have to share the pictures of those happy times with you guys! Soonnnnnnn, i´ll try!

Anyway, apart from travelling, in the beginning of the month I got the most awaited visit of all my stay in Wien. My other half came to visit and stayed for a month, and boy was it magical! Starting from moment one, I wanted to surprise him in the airport, so I fooled him and told him I could not go and pick him up, since I had a meeting with my landlord. It was so hard not to break and tell him the truth, because I knew he felt all confused and scared he wasn't going to find his way through Vienna to my house from the airport, but I hold firm. I took Aileen along to film his reaction when we met in the airport, after being away from each other for 4 months. I´m not sharing the vid because I feel it's too personal, but here's a couple of our first pics after he arrived:

How can I describe this month? Magical? Blissful? Heaven on earth? Being in the arms of your loved one after 4 months away is intense, I can tell you that much. We had our cranky moments, mostly because I love to tease him (in a playful mood, but sometimes he takes it rather badly!) and we can both be a little grumpy sometimes. But mostly, the month consisted of cuddling a lot, eating and drinking, walking around Vienna, cuddling some more, watching game of thrones together cosy in bed... Falling asleep in his arms makes me feel the safest and the comfiest i ever felt in my life... The way we just tune with each other, our sense of humour, his kindness and support, our mutual interests, make me feel the happiest I've ever felt with a significant other. Everything about this relationship is different, better, and it just feels right. I´m a wounded little bat with some scars from my previous relationship, so sometimes I´m afraid of getting hurt, or of just messing it up.  But nobody knows the future, so all we can do is our best, and enjoy every tiny second, every moment. So lameness ahead, here's a sneak peak of our "honeymoon" in Vienna:

Mailindo, having a beer I brought him from Bratislavian lands! (although the beer is actually Czech, and apparently really tasty!)

The parliament, one of the most beautiful places of Vienna (although it's so hard to choose, in such a beautiful city) and one of our 1st dates

 The Prater

Helder's balcony, aka the best view i've ever seen in central Vienna

Swimming with baby swans in the Danube

And we saw satanic symbols in the skies! \m/ mvahahah

We ate ice cream at schwedenplatz (several times :x)

 Made a mess out of my room

We gave me flowers in a day I was feeling particularly shitty <3 (Fun fact, I had never been given a bouquet of flowers by a boyfriend before, only single roses and stuff, so it was extra special!)

 Went to the Prater some more (I think we went there like 5 times while he was here! :x) We rode the prater turn, jack the ripper and a kind of children roller-coaster that looked fun. Also, ate a shitload of Langos mit knoblaut!

Shared a romantic afternoon in Empress Sissi's summer residence, the Schönbrunn Palace

And amazingly enough, found Fernando Pessoa (a very famous and very talented Portuguese writer and poet) lost in a building in Thaliastrasse

More to come, excuse the lameness, but that's the way we are <3

See you soooooooon (Hopefully!)