Saturday, 20 October 2012

Deadly outfit 6 - Feeling FrankenWennie!

Hello mah dearies!

Ootd's are one of my favourite things to blog about, I've said it before, since they encourage me to strive to look better and make myself up nicer. And I hadn't post one for quite a while, so when I was given invites to the Frankenweenie pre-première, I thought it was a wonderful opportunity to dress up and put some make-up on! As i've said before, my personality combines two deadly traits, I am a perfectionist, but I´m also very lazy. So when I can't make whatever to my standards, I  end up not doing it at all. That's why, most days, I can't be arsed to put any make-up on or anything. I fetch a pair of sunglasses from my HUGEE collection (i´ll blog about it eventually) and I´m ready to go. 

Anyway, back to the theme of the post.... I WENT TO SEE FRANKENWEENIE! I got a double invitation and I decided it was a perfect excuse to go out with my dear friend Marco, which I hadn't seen in ages. Plus, I simply adore Tim Burton, though I have been quite disappointed with his films lately (alice and dark shadows were quite mediocre, not to say yucky). They are always beautiful to look at, but I felt Tim Burton had been short of directing a good film since Sweeney Todd (WHICH IS COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY AWESOME). Well, FrankenWeenie was a really good surprise, I loved it! One of the things I love more than anything about Burton's films, is the mood of the film, and what they make me feel. Most of his good films just make my heart fly, and they leave me feeling happy yet slightly melancholic, trapped between the realm of dreams and reality. Frankenweenie did just that. And being the dog lover than I am, I got quite emotional over some scenes and shed some tears. I loved the references to some of Tim Burton's older movies, some classical horror characters and actors (Frankenweenie's science teacher is Vincent Price, Y'all!) and I just loved the mood of the film. Studying film in college, I am a bit of a Tim Burton expert, since I did many papers about him and his films, and I feel that this film relates to Tim Burton's childhood very intrinsically. And maybe that's why it's so beautiful, because Victor is a self-biographical (i just made up this word in english, I think) character, and the feeling of solitude and of being strange and different in little suburbia that Tim himself felt, shines through his character. 

Here's my outfit!

Aint it craaazy? I join patterns like a madwoman, but I don't care! Trend setters always start out being crazy people, ahah. No, in all honesty, I thought that the monochrome hearts and leo print went nicely together, and I must say I felt quite beautiful that day. And my fashion seeks to please only myself, so i'd say success!

Black and white hearts knit jumper - Zara
Skirt - Primark
Custom made suspyria necklace
Bracelet from primark

Over and outttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt!


  1. querto tanto verrrrr!!!
    eu gosto de misturar padroes, tavas bem cool :D

    1. Vê quando sair, vale a pena! Só peca por ser curtinho!

      Tks, eu também curti :D **

  2. Querida , mal recebas o kit multimedia espera uma semana ou assim e liga para eles a cancelar!


    1. Obrigada :) Já tinha visto os anúncios mas não sabia bem como se processava tudo por isso não tinha encomendado! :)

  3. Querida ja sigo o teu , mas não seguiste o meu :X deve ter dado erro .
    volta lá e tenta seguir novamente .


    1. Eu já sigo o teu querida, acabei de confirmar ;) O meu username é Zombina Tinieblas, e o icon é o frankenstein com a noiva!

  4. Mas eu vejo os teus posts na minha reading list :x Vou lá ver o que se passa ;)

  5. oie,o seu blog é super DIFERENTE;criativo e contagiante!!EU A-D-O-R-E-I o post ,SE QUISER DÁ UMA PASSADINHA LÁ NO MEu,e fale oq achou dele?/
