Ghouls of my heart, how are you?
I´m coming back to earth. These past weeks my head's been in the clouds, and I feel like I was trapped in some weird (happy) time vortex. There was xmas. There was lots of food (main courses were shrimp, turkey and bacalao), there were sweats and desserts (portuguese names, bear with me - baba de camelo, bolo de mousse, mousse, serradura, all kinds of sweets, ice cream ladidah). There were xmas presents. The mood was golly, and it felt pretty nice. The best way to explain it is, somehow it didn't feel xmasy, yet it was really nice and happy (same happened with new years celebrations!). There were no arguments or grumpiness, for which I was very grateful. We stayed up till 5 am in my brothers house, exchanging gifts, watching TV and playing guitar hero. The next day, we headed over to my aunt, played with my cousins, got some more pressies and had some moar nice foodies. Xmas was great this year, and I was very happy all the time. Yay!
So, in case you're curious (or maybe i´m just showing of, ah!) these are the pressies I got! I tried to divide the stuff in categories, to make it easier.
Clothes and stuff -
JC lita replicas, a pair of black socks, and a bat jumper which I <3 (Also, my new years eve dress which I LOVEEEEEEEE and you will see in my new year's report post!)
Random stuff -
Candle holder, peach candles, travelsize containers (for austria!), a scp (my portuguese football club) mug, a dvd and 3 books
Makeup and beauty related products:
Pre natal washing up without water liquid soap (great for festivals!), Acessorize makeup goodies box (3 nail varnishes, a body wash, a blusher, a mineralized skin finish and some body butter), a little box of lip-glosses and a metal makeup case (I freaking love the caseeee!! - and i think you can see what's inside, so no need to describe it)
A perfume (smells like raspberry, it's like yummy!!), a detangler spray, a coconut body milk (I hate the taste of coconut, but I love it's smell!), an anti dark circles under eyes cream (lol, i think i might have made up this name), a brush, a purple nail varnish, black glitter eyeshadow and eyepencil from Kiko (<3 that shop and their products!)
Last but not the least, YUMMIES!:
A biiiigass praline chocolat box, two little bitesize shortcake packages (I was addicted to those when I lived in England, and my uncle lives there, so he remembered and brought me some. I cried a little when I tore up the wrapping paper and saw them!), some biscuits, some jelly berries, some mon cherie dupes (that i don't like, blah) and some xmas themed chocolat!
I´m missing a framed puzzle my friend Marco gave me, with stars and moons and wizards, which is completely childlike and amazing, but I left it at his house unfortunately :( Meh!
Also got some money and stuff (catxim!) but i wasn't about to photograph that.
I´m so grateful for everything I got! I thought that with the crisis and all, i'd have a slim stack of presents, but as you see, I was a very lucky gall and got tons of amazing pressies!
Thanks to my family, friend and pets for making my Christmas (and my life) a truly happy one!